Sunday, April 18, 2010

7 ways to beat traffic blues!

All  cities are on a daily basis clogged with long traffic jams.

Cities became synonymous with traffic jams,  it's as if no one can do anything about it. Perhaps no one can do much really. For politicians, politics is full time profession, have nothing else in their mind. And without political will, nothing happens in this country, as of now.

I wish MNC infrastrcture & planning companies with big pockets, with a lot of spare money to influence politicians, find a great business potential in executing innovative solutions for this, and wish they go for the same.

We don't know when these things actually happen. Till then we have to protect ourselves & our businesses, to the possible extent, from being stuck in traffic jams. 

A few tips, are as below, can save the day for anyone:
  1. If your office starts at 8:30am, be there by 7:30. Advantages : 1) you will develop a descipline that increases your self esteem, and that might help you throughout the day 2) You will have more time to do, hence you can do more. You will have a chance to be too good at work that your boss can't ignore you any more. 3)You will have chance to start you day in a positive mood, as you have avoided traffic, which is real negative.
  2. Commute in odd hours: don't go on to the road, when everyone else will go. It requires some planning, but you will feel good wherever you might be headed.
  3. shop in odd hours: 1) You will feel more at ease. 2) you can have sales guys' time as needed on shop floor 3)generally in odd hours there are a lot of offers that you may avail of. 4) parking convenience 5)You can bargain better, as you are not in a rush
  4. Traffic updates from FM radios are helpful sometimes - to avoid being stuck.  
  5. Whenever you have time, try to find/explore a short cut to any place you go quite often. Manytimes  we find main roads are jammed, while the adjoining small roads/streets are amost empty. 
  6. Try to finish off as many as tasks as possible, whenever you go out. eg., after you deposit a cheque in a bank, on your way back, you may send a courier, and after that you may want to  take your car to near by mechanic to get something fixed, and on the way back you may stop at near by shopping complex to buy groceries. etc We all do this more or less, but with a little planning you can  do much more - you save time & fuel, avoid being in traffic multiple times. 
  7. Our commute must have an objective : a purpose or fun. If purpose can n't be met by chat, email or phone call, go for it. If you just want to go for a ride just for fun, go for it. Without these no go.
More time with family is the best & a lots of fun. More time at work helps you prosper. Un-necessarily why to spend more time on jammed roads ?

I  think these are helpful, I personally follow these. Wold love to know how you beat traffic blues? On top of expecting governments to do something, what you yourself are doing? Eager to hear from you... 

Friday, April 16, 2010

Why India is still a developing country?

I happened to recieve a mail from one of our friends, source of the mail not known. But it's so compelling, I felt like sharing the same as it is. So this is like a 'guest post' by unknown, till I get to know the source.

An Old Story:
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.

Indian Version:
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving. NDTV, BBC, CNN show up to provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

The World is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor Grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

Arundhati Roy stages a demonstration in front of the Ant's house.
Medha Patkar goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter .
Mayawati states this as `injustice' done on Minorities.
Amnesty International and Koffi Annan criticize the Indian Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.
The Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to theGrasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance) . 
Opposition MPs stage a walkout. Left parties call for ' Bengal Bandh' in West Bengal and Kerala demanding a Judicial Enquiry.
CPM in Kerala immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants and
Mamta Bannerji allocates one free coach to Grasshoppers on all Indian Railway Trains, aptly named as the 'Grasshopper Rath'.
Finally, the Judicial Committee drafts the ' Prevention of TerrorismAgainst Grasshoppers Act' [POTAGA], with effect from the beginning of the
Kapil Sibbal makes 'Special Reservation ' for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.

The Ant is fined for failing to comply with POTAGA and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes,it's home is confiscated by the Government and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by NDTV.
Arundhati Roy calls it ' A Triumph of Justice'.
Mamta calls it 'Socialistic Justice '.
CPM calls it the ' Revolutionary Resurgence of the Downtrodden '
Koffi Annan invites the Grasshopper to address the UN General Assembly.

Many years later....
The Ant has since migrated to the US and set up a multi-billion dollar company in Silicon Valley ,
100s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in India , ......AND

As a result of loosing lot of hard working Ants and feeding thegrasshoppers
India is still a developing country…!?!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

On lies: Lie +F (Fun)=LiFe

Lying is a very common trait...
Some people don't lie, but for many people lying is a daily thing.
Some lie purposely, while some lie without a reason!
Some lie expertly, while when some lie, it's trasperant like water.
Some lie for profit, while some lie for sadism!
Some lie to save life, while some lie to take life!
Some lie, while some make a truth out of a lie!
Some lie to project, and some lie to eject ! 
Some lie to promote, and some might lie to demote, or to evade any action.

For some 'Life is a lie', for some 'Lie(s) is life'.
Both are bad to experience, pity them 'both some', for they are missing life!

When lying is good?
If you lie, and you'll follow up it with only  bigger & more enjoyable truth. 
When you lie for fun: ie.,  Lie +F (Fun)=LiFe.

When you strongly feel it's the only right thing to do. (but This is subjective!)

But what happens when you lie a lot? 
Perhaps you have made a mistake, and you started a series of lies to cover it up!

When you lie - you have to remember what you said. So everytime you lie, and don't lie, you have to remember all your lies, so no conflict among your lies. This causes lot of stress & tension mentally & physically. Moreover the other party can always find out what you are saying - you can't control!

Life means progress& fun. But when you always and totally preoccupied with worries about your lies and trying to save your face with further lies, not only you are losing your present time, you are damaging your physical health, and you are mentally at the bottom, and utterly ill-equipped for future! If you are wealthy, it's your doctors' blessing. Bu the best gift can't bring smile in your face, and the best opportunity (GOD) can't save you. 

You have to start right from where you are, and start being truthful to yourself! Things may n't pick up fast, but that happens eventually. You will start feeling good! If saying truth is not comfortable, don't say - but don't lie. And don't repeat mistakes! Your life will turn around. You have to start living this wonderful opportunity called life! You can start doing that by being being truthful to yourself!

When is the last time you lied, and you are glad (still) you did?  Please share your experience that might trigger an interesting and tickling debate!

Monday, April 5, 2010

the easies - whose gain?

It's so easy to get easy that you won't know until after some time.

Many a time you 'll feel direction-less and lost when you are aiming for a direction.

You feel like no-sense in sticking around, and smartness in giving up.

No-one promised you that life is fair, but you have the habit of complaining that 'life is not fair'.

It's so easy to copy, while to innovate you may need  a lot of focus and action!

It's easy to follow someone, while not giving damn about the same!

It's easy to follow your parents, your elders, and your communities, while growing beyond or despite them is not. Standing up for yourself is not.

It's easy to respond to an itching or a temptation.

It's easy & be smug sleeping till late in the morning.

It's easy to swallow, and hence you rarely chew!

It's easy to complain, than to oblige or take responsibility?

It's easy to watch TV for hours.

It's easy to skip thru pages than understanding and putting the stuff to any use.

It's easy to team up with inferiors feeling the smartest...

It's easier to walk than to run, and it's even easier to sit & sleep.

It's easier to nod than to think on one's feet!


None of these easy things make your life better by an inch.  The more easies you adopt in your life,the more your life is hell and the quicker!

If a producer devised an end product to make one's life easier, it's producer's gain, as he captured and met the demand of humanity. It's waste for everyone else unless they start thinking about' how this new tool can be put to better usage'.